Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kava The anti Stress supplement Yollo Wellness

Dr. Michael Tierra L.Ac., O.M.D., Founder of the American Herbalists Guild

The belief that there is an herb for every human condition is attested by the unique virtues of Kava. A member of the pepper family (Piperaceae), it is a large leafed swamp-loving shrub that can grow to an average height of six feet and rarely from ten to twelve feet. The greatest concentration of the active psychotropic constituents called kava lactones is found in the fresh roots and rhizomes.
Kava has four main therapeutic properties. First it is one of the most powerful of all the herbal antispasmodics especially useful for relieving nervous tension throughout the mind and body. Second, it is an anti-anxiety herb that will quickly almost instantly dissipate effects of the many fears and apprehensions that are so much a part of the hectic lifestyle of nineties. Third, it is an effective diuretic with potent anti-spasmodic and anti-pathogenic properties making it useful for a variety of genito-urinary dysfunctions ranging from cystitis, prostatitis, venereal disease (such as gonorrhea), vaginal leucorrhea (including yeast infections), nocturnal urination and general fluid retention. Fourth, Kava is a carminative that improves appetite and digestion. The combination of these properties makes Kava useful for the treatment of arthritic and rheumatic conditions, which is one of its traditional medicinal uses among South Sea Islanders. Topically, kava can be applied as a fomentation or ointment for mild general anesthesia for the local relief of sore muscles. It can also be chewed and kept in the mouth for the temporary relief of toothaches.
Besides the above described properties and uses, among the many traditional medicinal uses for Kava are as follows:
  • anxiety and depression
  • insomnia
  • to relieve fatigue and to increase energy
  • Genito-Urinary tract disinfectant for urinary and reproductive organs infections
  • as a cure for rheumatism
  • for asthma
  • for worms and parasites, a common problem in tropical climates
  • for obesity
  • as a poultice for headaches
  • as a warm sweat inducing tea for the treatment of colds and fevers
  • topically for various skin diseases including fungal infections and leprosy
The safety of Kava is attested to the fact that it was given as a tonic to children who were weak and recovering from disease.

How to Take Kava

Kava is available as a whole root and powder. Kava lactones are insoluble in water and are destroyed by heat. Ideally the herb should be first powdered and then infused only in COLD water for a few minutes. It must then be carefully squeezed through a cloth to release the activity constituents from the root stock fiber. Another method of taking Kava is as an alcoholic extract. In this, not all Kava products are the same the wide difference in price reflects the concentration of kava-lactones in the standardized products. Again the dosage range is wide, ranging from 10 to 30 drops as a single dose of the standardized extract taken as needed or three times daily.
For some, the flavor and strange numbing sensation of Kava is a disincentive for regular usage. My personal perception shared with many of my herbalist friends and colleagues in our spontaneous Kava gatherings, is that the peculiar flavor and sensations of Kava as a shared experience allows a greater sense of rapport and perhaps a feeling that we are partaking in a time honored tradition. However, there are many quality standardized Kava tablets available for those times when the full Kava experience is neither desired or needed.

Proper Dosage

Because of its relative safety, the effective daily dose of kava is wide ranging from 70 mg to 200 mg of kavalactones, which are recognized as the major biochemical anti-anxiety constituents. To promote a deep restful sleep one should take a dose of from 150 mg to 200 mg. approximately 20 or 30 minutes before retiring.
A study of 58 patients in 1991 suffering from anxiety found that the effective daily dose of kava was 70 mg.1 Another study in the same year demonstrated the effectiveness of Kava in relieving some of the discomfort of menopausal women, including hot flashes, insomnia and general nervousness with 100 mg of kavalactones daily.2

Psychotropic Effects

Kava is a very experiential herb. Taking it is like imbibing the soothing, spiritual essence of the South Pacific Islands on a mild warm sunny day accompanied by a pleasant westerly breeze. Its effects when properly ingested are almost instantaneous. In the above doses, it will soon induce an immediate sense of ease, warmth and relaxation that continues to increase over a span of several hours. There is never any accompanied drowsiness or disorientation, just a sense of ease and well being, It does not interfere with one's ability to focus, concentrate or otherwise navigate. Dr. James Duke, botanist, ethnobotanist, author of the Green Pharmacy (publ by Rodale) nevertheless recommends that it not he taken when indulging in alcohol beverages or when driving. An early observer (Hocart) exclaimed "As I experienced it, it gives a pleasant, warm, and cheerful, but lazy feeling, sociable though not hilarious or loquacious; the reason is not obscured."3

Toxicity, Side Effects and Contraindications

Moderate use as described has not shown any harmful reactions. However, habitual overuse in high doses, much higher than indicated above, can lead to lack of motivation, weakness, leg paralysis and a peculiar scaly skin rash. It is not habit forming. In all cases studied, all observed symptoms have been found to he completely reversible when Kava consumption is discontinued.
In my own clinical experience I routinely prescribe Kava alone or in combination with such herbs as St. John's Wort and/or the famous traditional Chinese formula for menstrual irregularities, moodiness and depression, called Bupleurum and Peony Combination (Xiao Yao Wan). These are the major herbs and formulas I have found to effective in most cases of anxiety and depression.
I now always travel with my bottle of Kava extract to lighten up and ease some of the accompanying anxieties of traveling. Many find that it helps tremendously if it is taken before going for a dental appointment. Kava is also useful to as part of a treatment for tobacco, alcohol and drug withdrawal. Women have found Kava to be very beneficial for painful menstruation and menopausal abnormalities.
With all of its positive benefits and virtual absence of negative effects, more than one of my herbalists colleagues have exclaimed, "kava is simply too good to be legal." The fact of the matter is that it is legal, it is safe and truly a remedy for the stress filled nineties.

Bibliography and Sources:

  • Ellingwood, Finley; American Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy
  • Kilham, Chris; Kava: Medicine Hunting in Paradise, publ by Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont.
  • Steinmetz, E.F.; Kava Kava, Famous Drug Plant of the South Sea Islands, publ by Level Press, San Francisco 1960
  • Hobbs, Christopher; Kava -- Elixir of the Pacific, article by Christopher Hobbs 1996
  • Faust, Robert H. PH.D; Kava-Kava or Awa - a "new" role for an old crop in Hawai'i, Delivered at the First international botanical Conference on Kava and other Medicinal Plants of the South Pacific, sponsored by the American Herbal Products Association and several medicinal companies from May 14-17, 1997.
1 Kinzler, E. Kromer, J., & Lehmann, E. "Clinical efficacy of kava extract in patients with anxiety syndrome: double-blind placebo-controlled study over four weeks," Arzneimittel-Forsch 41: 584-88, 1991
2 Warnecke, G. "Neurovegetative dystonia in the female climacteric. Studies on the clinical efficacy and tolerance of kava extract WS 1490," Forschr Med 109: 120-22, 1991
3 Gatty, R. "Kava -- Polynesian Beverage Shrub." Economic botany XX; 241-49.

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