Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ginger Recipe Using Wakaya Ginger at YOLLO Wellness

Wakaya Perfection Organic Ginger Vinaigrette

Recipe Courtesy of 
1 tsp.Wakaya Perfection Organic Pink Fijian Ginger Powder
¼ cupolive oil
3 ¼ tbsp.white balsamic vinegar
½ squeezefresh lemon
  • 1. Place Ginger Powder in bowl, add all ingredients on top and whisk by hand until blended. Serve over arugula lettuce with 1 avocado, 1 mango and freshly grated parmesan cheese.
- See more at: http://wakayaperfection.com/pages/wakaya-perfection-organic-ginger-vinaigrette#sthash.i3gYFUlY.dpuf

Friday, March 25, 2016

The Wakaya Perfection Collection https://wendywakaya.mywakayaprelaunch.com/


Join my Team Today!

Turmeric and Curcumin and Why mine is 5x stronger - certified and proven!

Turmeric and Curcumin
Spices are found around the world, especially in Southeast Asia. One of them -- turmeric -- has been called "the spice of life" since ancient times. In India today, it is called "the holy powder."

Turmeric is the essential spice in curry, a diet staple on the Indian Subcontinent. It not only jazzes up the food, but also helps prevent spoilage and protects nutritive value. So, if turmeric protects foods, can it do the same for our bodies which, after all, are built upon the foods we eat?
The chemical compound primarily responsible for turmeric's antioxidant power is curcumin. It belongs to a broad class of compounds called polyphenols, many of which have been found to have major health benefits for humans.
In herbal medicine, curcumin has been found to have these effects:
·         Antihepatotoxic -- it has a protective effect on the liver
·         Antihyperlipidemic - it inhibits the excessive buildup of lipids (such as cholesterol) in the blood
·         Anti-inflammatory --it reduces inflammation
·         Antioxidant -- it scavenges free radicals and inhibits lipid peroxide formation, especially in the liver
·         Antitumoral -- it inhibits the formation of tumors including cancerous ones
·         Antimicrobrial  -- it inhibits the action of microorganisms such as bacteria
·         Antifertile -- it has a contraceptive effect
·         Anti-insect -- as a bonus to all of the above, it even acts as an insect repellant!

The Promise of Turmeric / Curcumin
Extensive research over the past decade has suggested the potential for this compound's preventive and therapeutic value against a variety of diseases. Here are some of the findings:
Mine is 5x stronger- certified and proven. I also found the perfect formula for a golden paste. Quality of products makes a difference and it doesn't get any better than this!
Come in for free samples! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Turmeric and the Power Mine Has

Wakaya is a 2,200-acre island in the Fiji archipelago. Here, organic ginger grows in a nutrient-rich soil created by thousands of years of natural erosion of volcanic rock. This volcanic soil is high in beneficial minerals, especially trace elements that are vital to human wellness.
It remained uninhabited for 140 years, until 1973, when wellness-advocate, FIJI Water founder, and life-long entrepreneur David Gilmour and his wife Jill purchased the island.
Due to the geographic isolation of the island, organic farming is a necessity. It also maintains the purity of the island and ensures the health and well-being of Wakaya’s culture.
No machinery touches the crops, only caring hands cultivate the earth. No chemically treated water is ever used in irrigation. All washing of crops prior to processing is done with fresh rainwater from a catchment system.

I have the pleasure of watching my clients eliminate pain and inflammation. I have the powder to cook with, make a paste ( I have a special formula to share) and pills.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Turmeric Benefits at YOLLO Wellness

Turmeric is a bright, yellowish-green spice that comes from a root. It is used in traditional Indian and Asian dishes and has a few powerful health benefits that you don’t want to miss out on. Besides the healing properties, it actually tastes really good, too, and people use it for cooking to entice the senses and make food more palatable.

You’ll usually be able to find this root next to the ginger root at the grocery store or you can buy it in powdered form. It’s originally from south-east India but it’s now grown in different areas. This is one of the few foods that is still good for you after it’s been heated, but new products on the market offer it raw as well. If you’ve ever seen a natural supplement called curcumin, that is actually derived from turmeric.

Traditionally this root has also been used for dying clothes so just a word of warning, it does stain anything it touches including skin so be extra careful when using it for cooking or topically.

Natural Pain Reliever

In India, turmeric is used to make a topical compress for muscle strains and injuries. Water is mixed with the ground spice to make a paste and it is covered with a cloth that is soaked in hot water. This process is utilizing the anti-inflammatory compounds of turmeric.

Turmeric has a special chemical compound called curcuminoids that are some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. The supplement called curcumin is a more potent pain reliever because they have extracted the curcuminoids and made them into a supplement. It’s also important to note that curcumin is absorbed better by the body if you combine it with black pepper.

Can Help Lower Risk of Cancer

Curcumin supplements are also being studied for their effectiveness on cancer. Inflammation has been known to be the beginning stages that can cause cancer and because turmeric is such a strong anti-inflammatory agent, it can really help reduce the risk of cancer. Preliminary studies done on animals are showing that curcuminoids help halt the growth of blood vessels that are in tumors which stops the spread of cancer. Studies are also showing that they help to prevent cancer as well.

One of Nature’s Strongest Anti-Inflammatory Plants

Inflammation is known to be one of the leading causes of cancer, heart problems, and chronic pain. Chronic inflammation stresses and ages the body. When the body is inflamed there are free radicals that steal from healthy skin cells trying to stabilize. This causes wrinkles and decreases the ability of the brain to function properly. Studies are showing curcumin to be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs that are marketed as anti-inflammatory remedies. The added benefit is that there will not be harmful side effects to consuming turmeric as other drugs that are non-organic compounds.

Strengthens The Immune System

Besides causing aging, free radicals that are present with inflammation weaken your body’s first defense, the immune system. People are now taking curcumin and cooking with turmeric to bolster the immune system so their body can fight off colds and flus.

Improves Cognitive Function

Believe it or not turmeric has been found to help reduce and prevent Alzheimer’s. Scientists have found that the brain needs a growth hormone to function properly and turmeric can help to increase the level of this hormone which will keep Alzheimer’s away. The growth hormone actually creates new neural pathways and connections that cannot form without it. As we age, the body may produce less of the growth hormone so a curcumin supplement can help keep your cognitive functions sharp.

Other brain disorders can improve or be prevented as well with this supplement. Depression is one condition that is dependent on the chemistry of the body which is greatly influenced by the diet. If you feel down, take a look at how much processed food you’re eating and try to follow an anti-inflammatory diet that includes turmeric. If you’re experiencing extreme depression you should seek professional help.

Helps Boost Mood

Even if you only suffer from mild depression or mood swings, turmeric can help boost your mood. The health industry is coming out with more and more drinks that include turmeric as people are beginning to realize its amazing benefits. Turmeric has been shown in scientific studies to have as powerful of an effect as Prozac in treating depression. The reason that turmeric helps boost the mood so much is that it releases the hormones in the brain that makes us feel good. These hormones are called dopamine and serotonin. When combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet, people can often heal their mind and body. These neurotransmitters respond to what we eat and that is why it’s so important to be in control and monitor the things we eat.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States and it can be caused by inflammation and poor blood circulation. Luckily, turmeric is a root that allows the blood to flow better by improving the health of the blood vessels. Essentially, the root will help the lining of the blood vessels and this can reduce heart attacks, blood clots, and other heart diseases. Because so many people suffer with blood pressure issues, this supplement is a great way to help lower high blood pressure and reduce hypertension.

Helps Keep The Memory Sharp

Because turmeric helps the circulation in the body and reduces inflammation, the purity of the blood will be better and the blood will be able to deliver nutrients to the body more effectively. The brain needs a healthy blood supply to keep the memory sharp and turmeric can aid in this. Curcumin supplements will be more powerful than turmeric alone for helping your memory because it is a more potent anti-inflammatory agent. Event the plaque that builds up causing Alzheimer’s is broken down by curcumins. We need to think about and study how the body works to know what to eat and what not to eat. Understanding the circulatory systems and neurological systems are an essential aspect of long term health. There are studies that now show curcumins help prevent Alzheimer’s.

Helps Reduce and Prevent Arthritis

Arthritis is, essentially, inflammation to an extreme degree as it causes pain in the joints and muscles. An alkaline diet can help to lower your inflammation and turmeric is a great way to bolster that diet. Turmeric, like ginger, is a healing root that will help calm the inflammation that causes joint pain. Although, the results will not be instantaneous and you need to let the supplement take effect over time. These results are already proven to be more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs that have undesirable side effects.


Inflammation causes oxidative stress in the body which creates age spots and wrinkles. Turmeric can help you stay looking young and feeling young, too! Not that looks matter as much as what’s on the inside, but if you look healthy then chances are you’re going to be healthy on the inside and have great energy levels as well.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Turmeric and YOLLO Wellness

Come see how you can heal with all your meals using Turmeric grown in volcanic ash in Fiji from the island of Wakaya

Monday, March 21, 2016

Turmeric- Depression- YOLLO Wellness

new study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research has confirmed for the first time in a randomized, controlled clinical trial that the primary polyphenol in turmeric known as curcumin is both safe and effective in treating serious states of depression.[1]
The research was performed at the Department of Pharmacology, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, and involved patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD).  The objective of the trial was to compare the efficacy and safety of curcumin with fluoxetine (Prozac) in 60 patients diagnosed with MDD. Subjects were randomized to receive either a six week treatment with fluoxetine (20 mg) and curcumin (1000 mg) individually or their combination.

Success of the treatment was evaluated using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D17). The results were reported as follows:

We observed that curcumin was well tolerated by all the patients. The proportion of responders as measured by the HAM-D17 scale was higher in the combination group (77.8%) than in the fluoxetine [Prozac] (64.7%) and the curcumin (62.5%) groups; however, these data were not statistically significant (P = 0.58). Interestingly, the mean change in HAM-D17 score at the end of six weeks was comparable in all three groups (P = 0.77). This study provides first clinical evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for treatment in patients with MDD without concurrent suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders. [emphasis added]


happy woman on curcumin

If the results of this relatively small trial are applicable to a wider population, this is truly groundbreaking news. There was already a rather sizable body of preclinical research indicating that curcumin is an effective antidepressant in the animal model,[2] but this was not enough to sway most physicians who practice so-called "evidence based medicine" into actually suggesting it to patients as a Prozac or antidepressant alternative. And this is understandable, as the lack of solid human clinical evidence supporting the use of a natural substance is no small matter from a legal-regulatory perspective. Unless a substance has passed through the approximately 800 million dollar financial gauntlet of phase I, II, and III clinical trials required to apply for FDA drug approval, and has actually received that approval, there is scant legal protection for those who use natural medicines to prevent or treat disease and who might face a lawsuit, frivolous or genuine, as a result of a claim of injury.
I have the best turmeric in the entire world and if you want to know why- please contact me. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Why You Should Join my Team

Who founded Wakaya Perfection?

Wakaya Perfection was founded in 2011 by serial entrepreneur, David H. Gilmour, who also founded FIJI Water as well as many other successful ventures. His new book, Start Up, is now available in paperback, as an ebook at www.zinio.com/startup and via other major online retailers. In 1973, Gilmour purchased the island of Wakaya and in 1990 opened the luxurious Wakaya Club & Spa with his wife Jill (www.wakaya.com). Focused on health and wellness, Gilmour chose to breathe new life into this 4,000-year-old healer—ginger—by creating a multi-faceted product that is used in culinary creations, as a beverage enhancer and as a home/spa ingredient.
Where are Wakaya Perfection products grown?

All Wakaya Perfection products are thoughtfully hand-cultivated in a virgin volcanic soil on the private island of Wakaya located in the archipelago of Fiji.
Why Ginger?

Ginger has been used as a medicine and cooking spice in Asian, Indian, and Arabic herbal traditions for more than 4,000 years. Use it to add flavor and depth to seafood, chicken, stews and other main dishes. Add it to your favorite beverage and taste the vibrance and vitality it brings to a cup of tea or to your favorite cocktail. Ginger can also be used as a home spa and apothecary essential. It will soothe tired muscles when used in an herbal wrap, or stimulate your scalp when mixed with your shampoo. Other wellness benefits of ginger include easing nausea, improving digestion and relieving cold and allergy symptoms.

email me wendy@got-o2.net for immediate attention.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wakaya Perfection and Your Future


Healing Can be YUMMY

Wakaya Perfection Simple Spicy Dip with Organic Ginger & Turmeric

Recipe Courtesy of 
¼ tsp.Wakaya Perfection Organic Pink Fijian Ginger Powder
¼ tsp.Wakaya Perfection Organic Fijian Turmeric Powder
2 ½ tbsp.low fat mayonnaise
4 shakesTapatio Sauce
1 squeezefresh lime
  • Place Organic Ginger Powder and Organic Turmeric Powder in bowl, add all ingredients on top and mix to blend.
  • Serve as a dip with artichokes, toasted bread pieces, potato chips and more.
- See more at: http://wakayaperfection.com/pages/wakaya-perfection-simple-spicy-dip-with-organic-ginger-turmeric#sthash.N2EOKAOE.dpuf
One more day until our Healing With Fijian Turmeric, Ginger, Sea Salt and Kava event.
We get so excited when we share this information because we have seen right before our eyes in minutes the positive affects of these amazing products. They aren't just a pretty picture- they truly are the most potent products out there. Tested and proven!
Come Thursday at 6:00 and let us share our information with you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wendy Wakaya with Wellness Information & Kava

Last night my daughter just came off an 18 shift at the hospital. She battles with post concussion syndrome (4 to be exact). So when her nerves start to over fire she typically goes to bed for hours. I fixed us a bowl of kava and after only 4 mouthfuls- the symptoms were gone! I decided to join in because we all need to relax- I slept so well and I woke up very refreshed. I sell Kava by the kilo, pill form or powder in these hand blown glass jars. https://wendywakaya.mywakayaprelaunch.com/

Hyperberbaric and Cancer at YOLLO Wellness

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hyperbaric Oxygen, Alkalinity and Cancer with YOLLO Wellness in Fort Myers

Oxygen, Alkalinity and Cancer

“Where does it all start? This important question can determine the success or failure of medical treatments so we better get it right. Actually there are several starting places to chronic illness but the one I want to talk about here starts in the stomach, which starts screaming at us with a host of GERD symptoms when things start going wrong in our lives.


One of the most important points for doctors and patients to realize is that GERD is a deficiency disease meaning it is not caused by excess acid it is caused by deficient acid. When the stomach does not produce enough acid the food sits in the stomach and repeats back up to the esophageal sphincter. It is, as they call it an excess acid condition only because it is an acid mix, just not high enough to create proper digestion, but high enough to burn tissues that it is exposed long enough to.


Hydrochloric acid, referred to as HCl, is produced in the stomach by the parietal cells that lie deep in the stomach walls. The truth is, we wouldn't be able to digest at all without it. Two main causes are stress and dietary deficiencies.


I never claim to know everything, so I found excerpt From: Dr. Mark Sircus. “Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy.” IMVA Publications.

 “We know some basic things about why cancer starts. We know it is initiated under low-oxygen conditions. We know that it is initiated also by trauma and inflammation. We know with low-oxygen conditions and inflammation we have infectious agents running around out of control. Evidence supports the emerging hypothesis that metabolic syndrome may be associated with the risk of many common cancers[3] but we really do not need “evidence.” If we know how to think rationally we know that diabetes, which starts with metabolic syndrome, leads a person more easily to the gates of cancer. The earliest inflammations hold the potential to create the conditions that eventually lead to cancer. That is worth saying and reading again and again and this is not only true for the stomach it is also true for the mouth when the gums become inflamed.”


 “So we have low O2, low CO2, low pH (acidity) and low cellular energy; we have infection hordes fighting for their claim of the territory. Mix in some inflammation, heavy-metals and chemical contamination and nutritional deficiency (along with some genetic disruption) and we have the recipe for CANCER—a beast that is eating the human race alive starting with the elderly but now increasingly working its way down to the young and very young where death should not be lurking.”


Symptoms of low stomach acid, malnutrition and lack of oxygen:


Extreme fullness after meals


Heartburn/burning sensation

Gas, flatulence after meals



Vitamin B12 deficiency

Aging due to malabsorption

Food allergies/sensitivities




Food allergies/sensitivities

Skin problems

Weak nails”


 “Researchers found that an increase of 1.2 metabolic units (oxygen consumption) was related to a decreased risk of cancer death, especially in lung and gastrointestinal cancers.[1]”


“Alkaline high oxygen conditions retard cancer growth. At a pH of 8.0 or slightly greater, cancer cells and cancer-causing pathogenic microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungus) do not do well. They get sick, stagger and then die in large numbers, so quickly in some cases that the body has trouble clearing the carnage.


Oxygen-rich environments are critical for combating the growth of anaerobic bacteria (i.e.: bacteria that grow in the absence of oxygen) In contrast, cancer only thrives in an oxygen-deficient (hypoxic) environment. Most cancer patients have very acidic body tissue pH, around 4 or 5.


A healthy cell breathes oxygen for energy.

A cancer cell shuns oxygen and ferments sugar instead for its energy requirements.”


“The ideal task of cancer therapy is to restore the function of the oxidizing systems," wrote Dr. Max Gerson in his book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer. And for good reason! Deprive a cell 60% of its oxygen and it will turn cancerous. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous said Dr. Otto Warburg. Deprived of air we die but the cells have a bastardly trick up their sleeves where they can survive low oxygen conditions. Only problem is that we call this condition cancer and it’s the slow rotting of the cells.”


“The lower oxygen levels go the lower the voltage drops in the cells as pH drops into the acidic range. Voltage is the stored potential to do work. Cells must have enough voltage to work. Cells must have sufficient oxygen to fire up the mitochondria to make the energy for the cells to work. This energy is expressed in cell voltage.


Wherever the body suffers from low oxygen conditions we have disease and often cancer. Wherever the body becomes acidic, voltage drops as does tissue oxygen levels creating a downward spiral into permanent low oxygen conditions which leads to fermentation in the cells.


It is important to understand that the voltage of cells and tissues as well as their pH begins with oxygen deficiency. The lower the voltage  their physiology becomes compromised. People experience this as fatigue and chronic pain.


As oxygen levels decrease infections occur for the cells simply do not have the energy necessary to do their job.


Our bodies and cells also need to have enough raw materials (nutrition) to get better. But nutrition without oxygen does not work. To resolve disease one must raise the voltage (pH) by whatever means that allows you to insert electrons into the system, including alkaline water, raw fruits and vegetables, sunshine, moving water, exercise, etc. In emergencies of course the quickest way is administering baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), which acts like the perfect medicine it is with its power to instantaneously shift pH to less acidic, more alkaline. This of course has the instantaneous effect of raising the oxygen, voltage and pH of tissues


Wellness Defined

Consistent with the World Health Organization’s definition of “health,” the 2013 Global Wellness Tourism Economy report defines wellness as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It goes beyond mere freedom from disease or infirmity and emphasizes the proactive maintenance and improvement of health and well-being. Expressed on a continuum that extends from reactive to proactive approaches to health, wellness falls firmly on the proactive side, incorporating attitudes and activities that prevent disease, improve health, enhance quality of life, and bring a person to increasingly optimum levels of well-being.

At YOLLO Wellness we empower you to learn how to move in a wellness direction. We offer FDA approved 1.3 ATA Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers for use in office or in the privacy of your own home. Classified as a type two chamber, a prescription is required to use the chamber although costs are not covered by insurance. It is the simple use of pressurizing oxygen so it becomes absorbed into all the fluids in your body, oxygenating at the highest level possible. We have certified nutritionist on hand to take your already existing food plan and tweak for better digestive health or create a new one using your own white blood cells through Cell Science and the ALCAT Test. The ALCAT test is a non IgE mediated reactions to foods, chemicals, and other categories of substances.  Not sure where your zinc level falls and how much you should be taking in the day we test through Spectra Cell- all 32 micronutrients needs for a cell to function properly will take the guess work out of the so called ‘Multivitamin. Whether you need a fresh new plan because your current health is not doing very well, or a boost to the next level, we are here to make you feel great again! 

Hyperbaric Use with Cancer Treatments at YOLLO Wellness

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Use for today is for Inflammation. Everyone has inflammation because the number one cause is from foods and the number two cause is from stress. Daily use of a low pressure hyperbaric chamber can help reduce inflammation. The right food plan can help keep the inflammation out of your body.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Inflammation

Wakaya Perfection was created to help people live life to the fullest. When we think of how to achieve this perfect life style the picture that comes to mind is Wakaya Island in Fiji with its non-toxic air, pristine clear blue water, pure organic vegetation and carefree tranquil lifestyle. Wakaya Island offers a safe place to feel a peace within yourself the gives you permission to think beyond the moment. To really dream and determine what you will do next. While Wakaya is the ultimate place to be, we know that we all can’t live there all the time. 


Wakaya is a new wellness network marketing company founded by billionaire David Gilmour the founder of FIJI water a billion dollar bottled Water Company.  Startup - The Life & Times of a Serial Entrepreneur is Mr. Gilmour's new book.  Mr. Gilmour's organic ingredients and products have been featured in numerous magazines and was one of Oprah’s Favorite Things.  Also the Home Shopping Network (HSN) has featured Mr. Gilmour's products selling out in just a few minutes!

The network marketing side of the company will launch new products that will contain David Gilmour's organic ingredients that are currently being sold around the world earning millions of dollars.  These ingredients are grown and harvested on Mr. Gilmour's private island in Fiji.  Some of these organic ingredients are:  Ginger, Turmeric and Sea Salt to name a few. So we are bringing each of the elements of the Wakaya Way to you to make part of your everyday life. It’s perfection at its finest.

·  Daily body purification 

·  Luxurious body nourishment

·  Life enhancing organic nutrition

·  Business opportunity that allows you to live the way you want to live.

Wakaya Product Line

Daily Detox: Kolada Daily Drink, Bula Bottle with Detox Caps, Rejuvenating Detox Masque, Detox Moisturizer, Bula Nutri System: Bula Bottle, Detox Cap, Slim Cap, Pro Cap, Nite Cap, Luv Cap

Nutrition: Wakaya Pink Fijian Ginger Capsules, Wakaya Turmeric Capsules, Kava Capsules

Culinary and Food: Wakaya Pink Fijian Ginger powder, Turmeric Powder, Wakaya Sea Salt, Wakaya Kava Powder, Wakaya Ginger Gem Cookies, Wakaya Ginger Popcorn

Spa Products: Dilo Wrinkle Cream, Wakaya Shampoo, Wakaya Sunscreen, Ginger & Pink Fijian Bath Salts, Wakaya Ginger/Sea Salt Scrub


This company is ready to pre-launch on March 19th. Today you can lock in your position for just $25, invest in yourself with Ambassador Package at $499.00 or just become a wholesale buyer at $49.00. 

The exciting part of this new company is the compensation plan.  A perpetual 2 by 4 matrix is what fuels this comp plan.  A full matrix of only 30 people will trigger a $600 payout along with a 50% check match on all the people you sponsor.  Once your 1st matrix is complete, you'll begin in a new matrix again and again and again!

Quick Compensation Plan Video    https://youtu.be/FkZ_FapxAfQ

·  For our customers:

·         Greatest product value - Over $600 of Wakaya Perfection’s most popular products

·  For our Ambassadors:

·         Additional product sales training

·         Direct route to Paradise Qualification

·         50% OFF Ambassador Start-Up Kit

2.      Perpetual Compensation System

·         As a Wakaya Perfection Ambassador, you can earn 14 different ways:

·         Retail& Preferred Customer Bonuses

·         Fast Start Bonus

·         Coded Bonus

·         Matrix Bonus

·         50% Matching Matrix Bonus

·         Perpetual Commissions

·         Leadership Infinity Commissions

·         Generational Commissions

·         Paradise Pack Override Commissions

·         Direct Pay Bonus

·         Car Bonus

·         Shared Bonus Pool

·         3 and Free

·         Quick Start Bonus